Rails Girls Summer of Code

Teams application and the team log

Posted on by Sven

Our little Rails Girls Summer of Code Teams application is getting closer to actually being useful.

This application is meant as a central place to aggregate activity at Rails Girls Summer of Code, and it now can be used to register your team (we’ve already added all sponsored teams), add team members and profile information.

Here’s how to use it:

Your own account

Signing in through GitHub will create a user account on our side. If your account has already been added by one of your team mates then you’ll claim your account by signing in through GitHub.

Once signed in you can update your profile information. Please tell the community a little bit about you, maybe tell why you’re participating, what you hope to get out of this, etc.

Your team’s profile

On the teams list check if your team has already been added. If you’re already part of this team then you can update your team’s profile.

If you haven’t been added to your team, yet, then ask one of the members to sign in and add you. They will need your GitHub handle for that (the GitHub handle is your user/login name, the one that appears in the URL when you go to your GitHub account).

Please work with your team to make sure that your team’s profile tells the community about your project plan, how and where you plan to work, … everything that might be useful or fun to know :)

If your team has a GitHub organization (you might want one and they’re free for Open Source) then please add the handle. If your team has a Twitter account, then please add it, too.

Your team’s sources

Your team can register “sources” from which this application will try to aggregate updates.

Please add your team log and any other blog that is relevant for your team, by registering its RSS or Atom feed URLs. Read more about the team log here …

Please also add all the GitHub repository URLs that you are planning to work on as sources. Currently this won’t actually do anything, yet, but we plan to aggregate information from there, too.

Just ask!

You can always find us on IRC for quick questions or issues: #rgsoc on irc.freenode.net.

Read more about how to use and set up IRC: https://github.com/rails-girls-summer-of-code/summer-of-code/wiki/IRC

If you think something is unclear or should be improved, or if you find a bug, then please report an issue.

Or email us at summer-of-code@railsgirls.com

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