Rails Girls Summer of Code

Go to a conference - We have free tickets for you!

Posted on by RGSoC Team

time to meet the crowd

At Rails Girls Summer of Code you work hard and learn new stuff every day, for 3 months, a summer full of love and code.

To make this an even more complete experience for you we’d like you to join a nice conference. Enjoy the great vibe, learn a few new things from the talks, chat with fantastic people and get to know the lovely community!

For this we have been offered no less than 55 free tickets at fantastic conferences on 3 different continents for you. On top of that some conferences even include free flights and hotel, too. And all of them are very worth visiting!

Everyone who has applied for Rails Girls Summer of Code as a student can apply for this, no matter if your application has been selected.

Please read more here: http://railsgirlssummerofcode.org/conferences and apply until Monday, 12:00 pm CET.